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Matkonsulatet - Stockholm Food Stories

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Stepping up the tapas scene in Stockholm is something that should have happened a long time ago, and Matkonsulatet has taken the first step.

Matkonsulatet really offers some of the best Catalan-style tapas you will find in Stockholm, and the location is not at all bad in itself either.

Matkonsulatet really tries to bring the tapas to the next level, something that we are not spoiled with in Stockholm, and as many chefs pushing the limits a bit some are successes and some less successful.

Some dishes just lack a bit of punch flavor wise and come off a bit bland, I guess part of the explanation simply is that it is easier to get amazing produce in Barcelona compared to Stockholm.

I really enjoy the refinement of the dishes, and the ambition level of elevating tapas to something more than traditional tapas.

Jim & Jacob - Stockholm Food Stories

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This is a great value for money restaurant in a really nice and intimate atmosphere.

The heritage from the truck-era is still there, with some really delicious sliders but they have expanded their cooking in their small 50 square meter restaurant on Surbrunnsgatan.

The food is served as small dishes, tapas style, influenced from all over the world – so really no limitations.

And as long as the corn buns are on the menu, make sure to order them.

For a dinner you will need about three or four small dishes for a complete serving so really not an expensive place, but good quality food.

Punk Royale - Stockholm Food Stories

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And that sets the tone; a dinner at Punk Royale is unlike any other dining experience in Stockholm.

The gratinated lobster is served straight from a cast iron pan, and the only tensile on the table is a spoon to scoop up whatever you can’t eat with your hands.

And overall the dishes are really good, sometimes lacking that final touch to elevate it to perfection and sometimes a bit too heavy on the salty side – but this is a dining experience that is unparalleled to anything in town.

It is dishes paired with vodka shots, beer, Punch and actually some really good wines.

And having read this far you may think that is a lot about the show and the props used, but I can assure you that it is more to a visit to Punk Royale than just some crazy props and a fun time, it is equally about good food as well.

Matkonsulatet | White Guide

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Ur White Guide  2018: Matkonsulatet Katalansk höjdare på Kungsholms strand Lugn jazz strömmar ur högtalarna på denna dolda lilla pärla och trots det avskilda läget fylls snart lokalen av småpratande sällskap och barhängsstamm... ...läs hela recensionen på websidan genom att registrera dig HÄR.

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Krogguiden · Matkonsulatet · Restaurang på Kungsholmen

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Läs mer Typiska maträtter: Lågtempererat ägg med sobrassadakorv och potatispuré.

Lokal: Liten, trångt och mysigt Ekologiskt tänk: En hel del av råvarorna är närproducerade.

Lokalen är smått klassisk krogmark i Stockholm: Här låg Flippin' Burgers före flytten och dessförinnan holländsk-kinesiska Jin Peeters som många minns med en nostalgisk tår i ögonvrån.

Numera doftar det vitlök, skaldjur och ost i den gamla livsmedelsbutiken när kocken Pablo Perez (med Michelinkrogserfarenhet från Barcelona i bagaget) brassar tapas för den lite kräsnare publiken.

Vill du svulla fett och gulpa sangria får du gå någon annanstans – Matkonsulatet kittlar matglada gommar och magar med eleganta och innovativa smårätter från olika hörn av Spanien, tillagade med stor respekt för råvarorna.

Introduction and travel guide to Stockholm, Sweden | OURWAY Tours

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Venice of the North, Capital of Scandinavia, The City on Water… In Sweden there’s a proverb that goes ”a beloved child has many names”, and maybe that is the case for Stockholm.

Our travel guide to Stockholm will take you through it all!

Founded already in the 1200s, Stockholm has evolved from being a trading hub to what we see today: a city based on 14 islands and land, that all connects via 57 bridges.

Being spared modern wars, we have a well-kept city with many gorgeous traces from the medieval times.

Easy links to each section in our travel guide to Stockholm is found below: Do you want to know more about how to get around in Stockholm?

Restaurants in Stockholm, Sweden | OURWAY Tours

That Stockholm is filled with restaurants of all kinds may not come as a surprise to you.

We’ve picked out our favorite restaurants in Stockholm, separated in Norrmalm, Södermalm, Gamla stan, Kungsholmen, Östermalm, Vasastan and Djurgården for you, in three price ranges.

As we are locals, you can be certain its places where locals eat in Stockholm.

The best restaurants in Kungsholmen – Thatsup

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More information: Styrelsen Bar & Bistro, Hantverkargatan 31, Kungsholmen 39 Wäst: Sharing is caring This neighbourhood restaurant embodies casual luxury.

More information: 39 Wäst, Fleminggatan 39, Kungsholmen Björk: Modern hotel restaurant Björk fuses sleek Scandinavian design with modern sensibility; its namesake - birch trees, heavily influences the decor.

More information: El Diablo, Norra Agnegatan 43, Kungsholmen Matkonsulatet: Innovative tapas restaurant Two chefs from Barcelona run this Catalonian tapas restaurant.

More information: Bon Le Grill, Hornsbergs strand 57, Kungsholmen Stranden Bar & Matsal: Unbeatable views This modern neighbourhood restaurant with panoramic windows boasts of unbeatable waterfront views.

Mer information: Stranden Bar & Matsal, Hornsbergs Strand 101, Kungsholmen Kitchen & Table: NYC-vibes New York-based celebrity chef, Marcus Samuelsson combines international flavours with local ingredients.

Matkonsulatet – Restaurang, Bar – Kungsholmen, Stockholm ...

Jag vet inte hur mycket jag påverkas av mina hyfsat höga förväntningar.

Är inte överdrivet stor i maten, och jag tyckte det var lagom.

Av alla rätter var det egentligen bara en som jag inte var så förtjust i. Någon ägg- och potatisvariant.

Men det var egentligen bara någon enstaka som var riktigt nice (laxen på bilden).

Jag vet inte hur mycket jag påverkas av mina hyfsat höga förväntningar.
